AT Funding Guide

Section 1: Public Sources of Funding

The following links will take you to public or government sources of funding. To determine the most likely agencies to pay for the AT you need, look closely at the eligibility requirements and financial criteria of each source and what types of AT devices and services the agency will fund. Due to eligibility requirements, funding for AT from public sources is far from guaranteed. You will have to build a strong case for the AT you need. Most agencies will have an internal appeals process if you disagree with the initial decision made in your case request.

Section 2: Private Sources of Funding

Public sources of funding have been exhausted and appeals have been rejected. Private insurance or the insurance that you do have will not cover the assistive technology needed. The next step should be to search for private nonprofit organizations and foundations that may be able to assist. There are many such sources in the state and nation, but they have restrictions on what they will provide, vary widely on eligibility requirements, and the resources available to them are limited. A person who needs funding for assistive technology may turn to a private nonprofit agency, organization, trust, or foundation for assistance. This Section describes such groups and lists contact information, but there may be others in your local communities that are not listed here.

Multiple Areas of AT
Daily Living
  • Dysphagia Food Bank – Thickeners, pre-modified foods, therapy tools, oral care supplies, and adaptive equipment for people with dysphagia across the lifespan
Seating, Positioning, Mobility, and Recreation
Speech Communication
  • Apraxia Kids – Tablets for communication devices provided to children diagnosed with Childhood Apraxia of Speech
  • Bridging Voice – Partnering with Eleven Labs to create AI Voices for people diagnosed with ALS and similar conditions
  • National Autism Association Give a Voice Program – Provide iPads for AAC to people with Autism that are nonspeaking or unreliably speaking
  • Small Steps in Speech – Grants for communication devices and apps for children 3-22 with communication disorders
Vehicles and Modifications
  • Magic Mobility Vans – Wheelchair accessible vans provided for individuals and families of all ages, children, adults, and Veterans