About ATRC
Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawai‘i (ATRC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit resource center that provides access to assistive technology (AT) for people with disabilities of all ages.
Technology has changed for all of us and we believe persons with disabilities have benefited tremendously. Take this opportunity to browse this website, our Facebook page and see what we currently offer and contact us at any time for service, program information, and assistance related to ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY (AT).
We look forward to meeting and assisting you in any way that makes Assistive Technology more familiar and usable for you.
Our mission is to link people with technology and empower individuals so that everyone can participate in every aspect of life.

State of Hawai‘i Tech Act Agency
ATRC is also the State of Hawaii’s designated Assistive Technology Act agency since 1991. Our primary role is as a resource center to meet the need of an individual with disabilities, family members, employers, and educators. We do not sell products, however, we will gladly recommend vendors if requested.
ATRC is the federally funded sole-source provider of assistive technology for the State of Hawai‘i. We focus on improving the provision of assistive technology (AT) through comprehensive statewide programs that are consumer responsive. The goal of these programs is to increase access to AT.
For more information on the Hawai‘i state and Pacific territory wide programs, visit the website of Center for Assistive Technology Act Data Assistance at https://catada.info.